History: This one is a bit harder to pin down as it really is a family recipe that Justin’s family has been preparing for generations. If we were to delve into his ancestry, he has Irish, English, and German all on one side, aka Potato trifecta. In Germany they use bacon and dill and call them “Bratkartoffeln’ and the dish dates from the latter/mid-19th Century. In Ireland, the dish comes out of the desperation of the Irish potato famine, where IF there was anything to eat, it was potato. In England, this style of potato was called jacket potato and was commonly sold by peddlers or ‘hawkers’ on cold autumn or winter evenings. There are records of over ten tons of potatoes prepared like this every day!
Red Potatoes
Champagne Vinegar
Granulated Sugar
Garlic (minced)
Onion (minced)
Pickle Juice
Olive Oil
Shredded Parmesan Cheese
Here is a simple and easy side dish that will be devoured by any potato lover (which is basically everybody on this planet). Take your red potatoes (chop up as many as your heart desires, these as leftovers are to die for) and chop them into wedges (or Justin swears by chunks).
In a bowl, whisk together your champagne vinegar, sugar, minced onion, minced garlic, parsley, olive oil, and the secret ingredient PICKLE JUICE! I like to eyeball the amounts for this step, as some people like their dressing to be vinegary and some like it sweeter, taste and adjust until you are happy!
In a deep-dish toss in your potatoes and your dressing along with salt, pepper, and butter (I never said this was healthy, but it is good for the soul!) Oh yea, add more dill on top for that herby punch (it is Justin’s favorite herb so extra for him). Almost forgot, ADD THAT PARM CHEESE. Add it, and then add more, and then keep going until you are uncomfortable (that is when you have added the perfect amount of cheese).
Bake in the oven at 400 degrees (F). Toss the potatoes every twenty minutes until they achieve a nice golden exterior and you can puncture with a fork or skewer without resistance.
Serve with anything (I like to eat these with steak… I mean steaks’ soulmate is potatoes…).
Official Statement: Today you have dill and parmesan potato wedges tossed in a champagne vinaigrette a la Justin.